Debitos launches Covid 19 offensive
Personnel support for banks in debtor management and decreased conditions.
Debitos GmbH reacts to the current situation and offers banks support in irf debtor management. Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, thousands of requests regarding grace periods or waiving covenants have been received by the banks every week – and each one has to be carefully evaluated and processed. Many employees of financial institutions face as well, the extraordinary challenge of dealing with the current concerns of borrowers without drastically increasing the credit risk of the bank. Debitos CEO Timur Peters: “We have a great expertise in the team when it comes to vindication of all kinds of loans and receivables. Therefore, we offer the service and know-how of experienced specialists such as lawyers, receivables managers and transaction advisors to banks on a daily basis in order to provide them with operational support in debtor management in this special situation”.
Debitos lowers fees
In addition, the Frankfurt credit marketplace has massively lowered the transaction conditions in the event of a successful auction; for this, the sellers of the loans will be charged a one-off payment with immediate effect. According to Timur Peters, both sellers and buyers will benefit from the new Debitos conditions: “The price for the sellers will be lower by an average of 40 percent – despite the one-off payment. At the same time, this new base price ensures that the quality of the assets offered on our credit marketplace continues to improve, the number of queries is reduced and a transaction can be processed more quickly. This is naturally in the interests of the investors who bid on the loans,” he explains.
Service becomes even more attractive
According to the old conditions a fee of 220,000 euros would have been due for a loan sale via Debitos worth 5 million euros. Under the new model, the fee is 105,000 euros. “Even though we earn less money per transaction, the base price allows us to simply ensure that the assets available on the platform and the corresponding data are made available for sale in the best possible quality and that we can therefore offer our service even more attractively,” explains the Debitos founder. This gives buyers a much better overview of the loans offered for sale – and the sellers benefit from correspondingly higher selling prices.
Timur Peters: NPL market in Europe will double
With these measures Debitos is reacting to the latest market forecasts. Industry experts such as the German “Bundesvereinigung Kreditankauf und Servicing” (BKS) currently assume that the NPL volume of 33 billion euros in Germany alone will grow significantly in 2019. “This volume could rise to around 100 billion euros,” says BKS president Jürgen Sonder. According to Timur Peters, Germany will probably master the Corona crisis relatively well. “In countries like Spain and Italy, the increase in bad loans will most likely be even greater. We estimate that the total volume of NPLs in the eurozone will double from the current 500 billion euros to one trillion euros in 2021,” the Debitos CEO predicts.
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